I have always believed that "amidst life's drudgery and pains, it is still a beautiful world" and with the world seemingly trapped in a consensus of turmoil and hopelessness, it is high time to reinvigorate the power of positive thinking - directing and focusing one's thoughts on life's blessings no matter how mundane they be.
So today i start this weekly series of counting my blessings; jotting down even the most trivial of things that made me feel good, alive, happy, blessed.
March 19
Was able to learn and configure how to send HTML email newsletter and found out about Scribd and iPaper. Will be needing this for Linkage's email campaigns.
March 20
Got my 2 Starbucks planner + bags and was treated by our friend Sally at Starbucks Ali Mall.
Found Fantasia's heartwarming rendition of What Are You Doing The Rest of Your Life during her AI competition. She's still the best American Idol to me.
Found out that Atlas Shrugged, my most favorite book, has immensely increased sales in 2008 and is continuing to sell primarily because the events that happened in the book (ie: the strike of the people of the mind against the looting society) is congruent to what's happening today amid the global financial crisis. Now isn't that amusing. I'm sure Ayn Rand is laughing wherever she may be.
March 21
Cried buckets of tears and had a serious talk with my partner and planned for steps to take to tackle problems; wrote an "i'm sorry" email to my Mom which made my hopelessness and despair ease a bit.
Ate 2 full meals today.
Was able to buy viands at the market even with a measly Php200.00.
Finished watching Baler and the 2008 TV movie The Andromeda Strain; got entertained but wasnt exactly ecstatic about them. However, Anne Curtis in Baler is just exquisite.
March 23
Was able to solve another financial obligation and felt relieved. 1 down, 5 more to go. Whew!
March 24
Visited my fav Starbucks and had a Venti White Chocolate Mocha while doing some internet surfing.
Had a good meeting with a returning client. Positive that it'll be a good new deal for us. I pray that the project will start very soon as we really need more projects.
Another good and liberating meeting with our restaurant staff over at our Japanese Resto branch in UST Dapitan.
Ate 3 full meals today.
Set up my new Behance Portfolio. A great community website for artists from all over the world. Apparently membership is by invitation only. Glad i got accepted.
March 26
Ate a very good dinner at a friends house celebrating the graduation of her daughter who also had an academic award. Later on we went to Starbucks Marquinton in Marikina and used my Buy1 Take1 voucher for 2 Venti's (Choc Cream Chip & Raspberry Latte Non-Fat).
March 27
Had a good meal tonight.
Finished watching the documentary Examined Life featuring some musings on life's meaning and purpose, idealogy, ecology among others by some modern day philosophers.
March 28
Had a quick nice chat with my mom over at Skype.
Found a new mac software called Kinemac and explored some of its functions. Will thrive on it on future posts most likely. Apparently, Kinemac is offered at an insanely low price bundled with some other inventive Mac softwares over at MacHeist.
March 30
My sister Tessa graduated from high school. I attended the graduation and was made to wear the "Parent" ribbon. Well, virtually i am their parent now since my Mom migrated to Denmark. All my siblings are left to my care. So i'm officially a MaPa (Mama/Papa). Hahaha!
As a treat for my sister, we had a small family dinner together with my close friend, Sally and her husband Andy. We had spaghetti, fried chicken and 2 Goldilocks cakes!
March 31
I have been informed by my favorite Auntie that my one of my dearest cousins was awarded Magna Cum Laude in the University of Sto. Tomas. This cousin virtually grew up with me, we were very close and i am so proud. Really, really proud.
Our Bayantel telephone line is finally fixed! Yipee!