Starbucks is undoubtedly the pop star of coffee shops. It has developed a certain cult following of its own. It has been a study room, a date place, a meeting place, a get-together location. Because of this, it is safe to assume that in every Starbucks all over the world, a lot of romance flourished, a lot of creative design concepts has been born, a lot of friendship has evolved; i believe a lot of people (including myself) even developed friendships with their favorite baristas, some of them may even have developed a small crush on them, as Starbucks baristas in their uniforms, smiling warmly back at you while doing your favorite Latte, could be really disarming, but i digressed.
This edition of Flicker Amazing 10 focuses on images dedicated to this popstar of coffee shops, Starbucks. These are ten images that i have chosen and liked among the thousands in Flicker. Tell me what you think of them and feel free to share your own Starbucks image.
First Starbucks of the day is always dramatic by Jerimiasquadil

One's warm in, others get cold out by Sionfullana

Starbucks Girl by Haya

Only at Starbucks by Saher Allil

Starbucks Love by Beth Teresi
The Starbucks Girl by Jovivebo
Starbucks in LA by Jimsteryun
Starbucks Korea by Toughkidcst
these r rlly delicious good smelling pics (if pics can have smells)