On November 9, 2007, photographer and student, Christoph Rehage started the longest journey of his life from China to Germany. By walking.
Although, he was not able to finish his original goal of reaching Germany as he stopped November 13, 2008. He has already achieved a very significant feat. He walked 4646 km for a year - passed the Gobi Dessert, various travel issues with local authorities, unlimited beard and hair growth and apparently zealous watchers who posed with him as he took pictures of himself during the journey.
I could just imagine how enriching this journey has been for Christoph; to travel and see the world not through the fast and dynamic advances in transportation, but through the most basic form of travel. This is a remarkable journey that only an equally remarkable man could do.
The title of this post is inspired by Christoph's statement in his website ..." There are longer ways, and many people have walked them before. So what’s the point in calling this “the longest way?“ It’s actually quite simple. Some take walks and others do other things. Nevertheless, this goes for everyone - it is the longest way from a daydream to a dream." Know more about Christoph Rehage at his website The Longest Way.
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